Sunday, June 17, 2012

Automotive Garages Versus Mobile Automotive Franchises

Running an automobile repair shop is not an easy thing to do, there are all kinds of laws that have to do with environmental issues, OSHA standards, and what government bureaucrats consider unsightliness that must be complied with.

Starting such a business right now is probably not a good idea because it could cost as much as a half a million dollars to buy all the lifts, secure a location, hire all the people, and do all the initial marketing. That after one has filed all the permits, gone through all the bureaucracy, and jumped through all the hoops.

This is not to say that owning it on a motor repair shop right now isn't a good thing, it probably is considering the General Motors and Chrysler has cut so much of their auto dealerships, that it has taken out a lot of capacity out of the industry, and there is so much fewer places to get your car repaired.

Supply and demand dictates that this would be a good business to be in right now, even though the economy is down and people are trying to spend less.

Still when people don't buy new cars, they have to fix up their old cars.

Is there a solution to this problem?

What if you are one of those laid-off mechanics and you want to get into your own automobile maintenance business, but you don't have the half a million it takes to start your own business and open a repair shop?

One idea is to set up a mobile automobile maintenance business and go to your customers. You know, there are many mobile automobile franchises available, and many of them have financing, and they don't cost a lot of money to get into. This might just solve all the problems for you. Please consider all this.

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