Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Best Management Practice For Auto Recycling Industry

The auto recycling industry plays an important role in reducing wastage and pollution in the natural environment. The actual process of recycling automobiles for their metals and/or parts is nothing new. For decades, people have relied on junk yards and salvage yards for accessing parts no longer in circulation and at a more affordable price. The methods used have not always been environmentally friendly. However, bodies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have put in place regulations to ensure that these operations do not introduce pollutants into the air, water and/or soil. Thus, owners of such entities are expected to employ only the best management practices when running auto recycling businesses. This means that all permits should be obtained, regulations followed impeccably and inspections facilitated.

Acquiring Essential Permits

These particular operations can become potentially detrimental to the environment depending on how these unused vehicles are stored. A typical scrap yard will keep vehicles piled in stacks within a large outdoor area. Over time these automobiles may leak fluids that may enter the soil and contaminate underground water supply systems. Additionally, during the processing of metals for scrap, other harmful chemicals may seep into the soil. To prevent this, each entity should not function without a Storm Water Discharge Permit. The facilities are first inspected, and if the requirements are met then the permit will be granted. Where upgrades are essential, operators are expected to carry these out before the certification is issued. In addition, the DNR will provide information on how vehicles should be stored and perform regular inspections to ensure managers are following proper procedures.

Proper Management Of Sweat Furnaces

The sweat furnace in an auto recycling plant is considered a great environmental hazard if used incorrectly. It is essential to the processing of unused metals from the automobiles stored. At extremely high temperatures it can separate metals like aluminum, zinc and steel in their purest form which is then sold to manufacturers for use in other products. In theory, the process is laudable as it discourages the unnecessary wastage of natural resources. However, it can emit many pollutants into the atmosphere while in use. To reduce this risk, an auto recycling center must have an afterburner installed to limit such emissions. In addition, managers must ensure that logs are kept for documentation purposes and future inspections. The afterburner should operate at no less than 1600 degrees Fahrenheit to guarantee proper filtration of possible pollutants.

The auto recycling industry can only be beneficial to the environment when those that run such entities follow the correct procedures stipulated by the numerous regulations effected. By observing all the codes put in place, these businesses can be both profitable and environmentally friendly.

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